Sunday, January 22, 2012

Morning glory question please?

it is getting out of control...with nowhere to vine....if i cut the top of it...will the rest still grow? or will it die?
Morning glory question please?
You can cutt back morning glories all you want to...The yellowing can simply be from the heat of the sun, or watering from above instead from the bottom or a calcium defiency..Sprinkle epsom salt at the base of the plants and then slightly water it will brighten the leaves up...use about a cup for every 4 feet of ground that the morning glories are planted in..
Reply:cutting back your vine will not effect its growth in any negative way-it will help to thicken it up if anything.

The yellowing may be a deficiency, are the older leaves are yellowing first? If so, try fertilizing it with a nitrogen rich fertilizer, one for lawns/palms etc would be fine. Use a soluble product (one that is a powder that you mix with water) so as the plant can absorb it immediately.

I dont think it will hurt your vine to trim it back some I have trimmed mine back for years and it dont hurt them ,its hard to kill a morning glory, if you have leaves yellowing it may be the runners are wrapping to tight around the branch and chocking it, if so cut the runner and remove it
Reply:don't fertilize a morning'll get lotsa leaves and little if any flowers......glories are plants of the field, where there's rarely anything like fertilzers!!!....they do best with less fussin'....
Reply:yes. in fact if you cut the top a bit it will grow much thicker with many more flowers also it will grow a bit shorter, but wider

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