Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is there a tolerance factor to ingesting Morning Glory seeds?

The first time I had Morning Glory seeds (90 Heavenly Blues), I ate them on an empty stomach and chewed them well. I was pretty nauseous for a few hours. But once they kicked in, I had a great experience full of hallucinations and euphoria that gradually took about an hour to peak, and lasted roughly 3 hours. I still felt very weird afterwards, but slept it off. The next day I felt a little burnt out but fine.

Ten days later I had the seeds again, in the same manner, but this time I had 30 Heavenly Blues, and about 80 Pearly Gates. I got really sick for the whole day and could not think straight at all. It was very confusing and I had no sense of time. My trip did not peak, but varied from time to time over about 8 hours. The next day I had a fever and was very nauseous, had to stay in bed for most of the day. But I think it's all out of my system now.

I suspect there may be a tolerance factor to these seeds as I had slightly more the second time and experienced less intense effects.
Is there a tolerance factor to ingesting Morning Glory seeds?
This may or may not help you, because I do not know for certain if there is a tolerance factor, but I do know what may have caused your unpleasant second experience. If you purchased the seeds from a hardware store or garden shop, they most likely contain a chemical coating on the outside of the seed. While it is not necessarily harmful, it does cause nausea. The companies producing the seeds have done this as an effort to prevent ingestion of the seeds for recreational purposes.

The first time you ate the seeds, you may have been lucky and bought some without the chemical coating on them, or didnt ingest enough to cause unbearable nausea. The second time, the nausea could be from simply the quantity of seeds you ate, or they may have had the chemical coating whereas your others hadn't.

I doubt that there is a "tolerance" factor to the seeds. The active chemical responsible for the desired effects is LSA, very similar in composition to LSD, although a good deal milder. If you took the seeds on consecutive days, tolerance may be more of an issue.

More than anything, I'd say it has to do with frame of mind, contents of your stomach, and type of seeds (including chemical coating or lack thereof)

Hope this helped
Reply:I began to read this thinking I was going to get a solution to our morning glory problem in my back yeard. Those freaking flowers won't stop growing.

So you're saying I can eat some seeds and have a religious experience?

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