Sunday, January 22, 2012

How To Get Rid of Morning Glory?

Short of constantly ripping the stuff out, does anyone have a good (organic) sollution to this plant? There seems to be morning glory that grows in between my yard and the neighbours' yards. We all pull the stuff, but it just keeps coming back. If I miss one weekend of gardening, the stuff starts to strangle my azalias and blueberry bushes!
How To Get Rid of Morning Glory?
Do you get NPR? This sounds like an ideal question for Mike on You Bet Your Garden. (The website is - you can email questions or call.)

Problems with this plant are twofold - one, vine plant, two, self-sowing.

So, not only do you have to rip it out and kill the roots, you have to stop the seeds from spreading. This is probably not going to happen in one season, though.

Your basic strategy is to exhaust the plant by cutting the foliage back, keep flowers off of it so it can't seed, then cover the soil so everything there dies back. It will try and move on you! You've got the right idea, but yeah, it's exhausting.
Reply:only way is to move your azalias and blueberries. basically because you can't kill morning Glories manly because they are only anuals. but they produce so many seeds that its impossible to kill them all without them coming back. its a plant often used to piss off the nighbors and kill trees and stuff, my dad used it to kill my nighbors trees I didn't particulaly care for it but as soon as you see a bloom cut it off and cut the vines down you going to be doing it for years but if you stop it from blooming or growing at all eventually there won't be no seeds, but it might take a few years.
Reply:round up will kill it. If you don't want to use a poison. I have read vinegar will kills plants.
Reply:There is no organic way to get rid of moring glory vines. Weed spray is your only option.
Reply:Hi. Consider surrendering. I have about 900 ft of fence and it's absolutely inundated with this stuff. After years of trying EVERYTHING to make it go away i just gave up. Now, in the spring, i pull down last years 80 bushels of dead vines and just let it grow (cutting it off my sacred goose berry bush when necessary) and just let it have the fence. really looks a lot better then the fence AND it's attracting the now endangered wild honey bee.
Reply:Nope. You have two choices, Roundup or ripping them out. I'm fighting battles in places where I haven't planted morning glories for two years and there are still hundreds of them coming up each week.

Get 'em while they're small, they rip out easier.

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