Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to get rid of Morning Glory Flowers?

I planted them a couple years along a wooden fence at the back of a cutting garden at my fathers house. Now he can't grow anything because the morning glories choke and smother everything....

How do I get rid of them without harming the ability to plant flowers for cutting?

I've tried weeding with a frenzy every couple of days - but there seems to be no end in sight.
How to get rid of Morning Glory Flowers?
I have the same problem. I refuse to use weed spray so I just go out everyday and rip them up. I'm finding fewer and fewer. Arrrgh, they're so pretty but so freakin' obnoxious!
Reply:I live in the east, and love Morning glories. They're an annual here. I didn't know they were so invasive. They seem pretty easy to rip up.
Reply:I had the same problem with wild berries in my yard. The only thing I found that worked was digging them up. Every bit of root that I could get ahold of. Each spring they were fewer and fewer, but now they're gone forever. Fight a persistant weed with persistance.
Reply:weed killer such as "Round-Up" once temps have reached 80* will do it. Just wait at least 2 wks. before planting anything %26amp; be sure to do on a NON_WINDY day-so as to not have over-spray harm any plants or grasses you do want to keep.

Check manuf. link below for any further info.
Reply:the roundup idea is a good answer. you may want to use something like 2-4-D in the summer to keep them from going to seed and then use roundup after a good frost. the white ones you mentioned are a bad weed and it goes by several names with morning glory being just one of them. they are either field (small flowers) or hedge (larger flowers) bindweed and ate on most states obnoxious weed list
Reply:Dig them up, thin them out, rototill them every year. Do not let them go to seed for the next season. Weed killer, although I don't like pesticides so I just use the elbow grease with persistence.

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